National Institute of Liver & GI Diseases

Message by Director

dimc principle

Prof. Dr. Nadeem Syed Hassan

Director N.I.L.G.I.D.
Dow University of Health Sciences

NILGID, DUHS provides state-of-the-art facilities at par to any advance institute worldwide. At NILGID clinic patients are seen at the consultant based clinics, where complex cases referred from not only Karachi, but from whole of Sindh, Southern Punjab, and Baluchistan and even from adjoining countries like Afghanistan and Iran are seen. Competent, professional, and highly trained faculty renowned in their specialty, work with empathy in cordial environment.

NILGID provides inpatient care and all endoscopic procedures including advance GI procedures like ERCP, EUS and enteroscopy at affordable cost (around half to one third, and even less compared to other hospitals). NILGID was the first in Pakistan to install Fibroscan machine which is used to detect liver stiffness in patients with chronic hepatitis.

A dedicated on call team provides service 24/7, 365 days a year for emergency cases, like patients presenting with gastrointestinal bleeding, a sequel of cirrhosis. At NILGID, world class Gastroenterology Fellows are being trained who will be assets to Pakistan. Screening of Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS) employees and patients visiting DUHS clinics, followed by vaccinations for indicated individuals has been our aim. At NILGID, we regularly conduct awareness programs, educational symposia for masses inculcating awareness and encouragement for taking on responsibility.