Dow Institute of Radiology (DIR)

The Radiology Department at the DUHS Ojha Campus was established in 2009 as a branch of Dow Diagnostic Research and Reference Laboratory (DDRL). It was then converted into the Institute of Radiology (DIR) on 6th June 2014. 


Echocardiography is currently the most widely used non invasive imaging technique to evaluate the patient with known or suspected heart disease, and allows assessment of cardiac valves and structures. It involves a wide variety of diagnostic ultrasound techniques: M-mode, 2-dimensional, color Doppler, continuous wave, pulse wave, harmonics, strain and strain rate imaging. In a given patient, any or all of these modalities may be used to assess the nature and severity of a suspected cardiac disorder. Contrast, stress, transesophageal, 3 dimensional, intracardiac, intravascular, and epicardial echo are specialized areas within Echo that require special emphasis. The program offers and exceptional educational experience by providing the high quality didactic and clinical experience needed to create a well-rounded, fully competent cardiac sonographer in an environment based on teamwork and mutual respect.